Across the Valley

Alders in Winter

Creek Alcove

Dark Pool Beneath the Cedar

Estuary Rainforest

Foret Monique

From Chimayo
Ice Fog at Fanno Creel

Into the Shallows

Lithia Park
Metolius Morning

Moonlight on Oxbow Slough

Mt. Talbert with Fog

Night Marsh

Northwest November

November Rain

Over the Sea 27

Path to the Sea
Rainforest Autumn
Rainforest Bog

Rainforest Spring

Rainforest Windfall
Rain in the Forest
River Light

Sitka Forest
Summer Water

The Cliff Joins the Water
The River in Between
The Storm is Lifting

Toward a Clearing

Tualatin Overflow
Wetlands Somewhere
Winter Creek

Winter Marsh